一個多月了 樂思廚以努力跟堅持不停的持續著
one more month, letscook still works on insisting and struggling
we took much encouragement from many different friends
有很多事情 我們還要投入心血
we have to get devoted into more prespectives
感謝 corrinne may 她一直都是我喜歡的歌手
thanks for corrinne may, she is always my loved singer
一種獨立 自主 有想法 跟情感的表演與創作
she creates independent, self-managed, considerate, and touched songs and lyrics
謝謝她 特別分享她的歌詞 在我們的網站上
much thanks her, she shares her lyrics with us on letscook
five loaves and two fishes
A ittle boy of thirteen was on his way to school
He heard a crowd of people laughing and he went to take a look
Thousands were listening to the stories of one man
He spoke with such wisdom, even the kids could understand
The hours passed so quickly, the day turned to night
Everyone was hungry but there was no food in sight
The boy looked in his lunchbox at the little that he had
He wasnt sure what good it'd do, there were thousands to be fed
But he saw the twinkling eyes of Jesus
The kindness in His smile
And the boy cried out
With the trust of a child
He said:
"Take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will
I surrdender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You cand use it all to feed them all"
I often think about the boy when I'm feeling small
And i worry that the work i do means nothing at all
But every single tear I cry is a diamond in His hands
And every door that slams in my face, I will offer up in prayer
So I'll give you every breath that I have
Oh Lord, you could work miracles
All that you need is my "Amen"
So take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
I hope it's not too small
I trust in you
I trust in you
So take my fives loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will
I surrender
Take my fears and my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
No gift is too small
謝謝corrinne may,
thanks for corrinne may, pls click her information when enjoy letscook.
請上她的網站 去了解更多的更棒的歌曲與分享
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請往下連結更多let's cook心意
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- 說明會----家庭式的聚會
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- 雜記---樂思廚的颱風故事
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- 食譜----樂思廚咖哩醬的一般用法----馬曼沙咖哩醬, 綠咖哩醬, 紅咖哩醬, 黃咖哩醬, 泰式素...
- 說明會---- 家庭式的聚會
- 食譜--- 鱈魚鬆--- 馬曼沙咖哩
- 食譜--- 新沾醬----泰式素食咖哩醬
- 食譜--- 咖哩牛肉炊飯(電鍋料理)----馬曼沙咖哩
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- 食譜----咖哩醬蝦仁炒飯----馬曼沙咖哩
- 產品介紹---- 樂思廚產品目錄更新 2009, aug
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- 食譜--- 海南雞飯(電鍋料理)----海南雞飯醬料組合
- 食譜 --- 泰式涼拌海鮮冬粉--- 檸檬香茅沙拉醬