2009年8月31日 星期一

recipe (食譜)---- deep fried curry fish nugget (咖哩炸魚塊) ---- any letscook curry paste (樂思廚所有咖哩醬料)

Dear Ben,

this is for you. thanks for choosing letscook product, and let's create more fun at cooking. i dont know whether you are enjoyed with deep fried fish nuggets or not. just express our care to a new friend from UK. let's cook.

material (4 persons) , 四人份材料
1) 2 big spoons of any letscook curry paste (except for vegetarian curry paste)
2大匙任何樂思廚咖哩醬 (除了素食醬料無法這樣使用外 其他都可以)

2) 4 big spoons of flour

3) 2.5 big spoons of water (it depends on your flour, if your flour is dried, adding water slowing and mixing it well till it is sticky)
2.5大匙的水 可以調整 要看麵粉狀況 如果麵粉乾燥點 就慢慢攪拌 到粘稠就好 可以稍微減少水的份量
4) fish; white kinds, 300g, cut into cube, around 1cm per-side-measurement
白肉身的魚肉 300g

5) 2 tea spoons of salt

6) 2 tea spoons of black pepper

7) sweet potato powder; 150g (you could buy this in any tw shop, even 7-11)


1) mix (curry paste+ water+ flour) into one big bowl
混合材料1+2+3 靜置於大碗
2) take a flat plate, mix sweet potato powder+ salt+black pepper
取一個平盤 混合5+6+7
3) put fish cubes into process 2 plate, soak the fish cubes with that mixed powder
把魚塊放進去步驟2的粉末 沾好
4) take out the fishes cubes
5) put these fish cubes into process 1 sticky paste, soak them again
6) boil the oil into heat, and turn the fire into small to middle,

put the process 5 fishes cubes into oil,

dont stir or move in the first 3 minutes after putting them into oil

then use chopstick or fork to turn them into another side

then turn the fire into large, after 1~2 minutes

remove them from hot oil to another plate

aside some vege, try something different

油滾後 將火轉至中小火



三分鐘後 用筷子或者叉子 將魚塊翻面

翻面後將火力轉大 用大火炸1~2分鐘 將油逼出來

然後取出 用些生菜 享受今晚的咖哩炸魚吧



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