2009年8月31日 星期一

recipe (食譜)---- green curry fish (綠咖哩魚塊)-----green curry paste (綠咖哩醬)

Dear Ben,

this is for you again.

materials (2~4 persons):
3 big spoons of letscook green curry paste (about less than 1/2 box)
3 big spoons of water
450g fish, cutted into 0.5cm cube about
1/2 big spoon of cooking oil
1 red pepper
coconut cream or lime juice as you like to make the topping

3大匙樂思廚 綠咖哩醬
400g魚肉 切成0.5cm左右的方塊狀
椰奶或者檸檬汁 自行決定份量

(1). spread the oil in the flat stirred pot, heat the oil,
turning the fire into middle
and put the fish over the oil, dont remove them in the first 2 mins
after 2 mins, pls turn them from uncook side to touch the pot

起油鍋, 熱油 油熱後轉中火 將魚肉擺在油鍋上煎
然後起先的兩分鐘先不要翻魚 以免焦鍋
兩分鐘後 開始翻魚 將沒有煎到的那面翻過去 (2). after process 1, still cook around 2 to 3 mins ( so totality is around 5 mins till now)
you will see fish into yellow or gold color as below
總共約5分鐘後 魚肉會類似下圖的金黃色 (3). put the curry paste + water into the hot pot, and boil them
將咖哩醬與水分放進鍋子 煮滾
(4). after boiling and keeping boiling for 1 min, put the red pepper into the hot pot
煮滾後一分鐘 將紅椒放進去
(5). keep boiling around 1 to 2 mins, observe its degree of being sticky, decide how sticky you will like and turn off the fire, prepare your coconut cream and lime juice for topping, then have a good meal
持續滾煮咖哩 約1~2分鐘 觀察他的濃稠度 挑選你覺得適合的濃稠度 然後關火 準備椰奶與檸檬汁 想加就加 不加也很美味喔



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